Instructional Technology Certification

The non-degree certification in Instructional Technology requires a minimum of 21 semester hours of course work. 

Coursework is fully online with no face-to-face class meetings.  There are, however, opportunities to communicate with instructors and classmates in a variety of ways including synchronous, asynchronous, and virtual.

Students in the add-on certification program must already have a Master’s degree and hold T4 certification in a teaching field; or hold certification in another field as outlined with the GaPSC.  

Admission Requirements

  • Application for Admission
  • Valid Teaching Certificate
  • Transcripts from all institutions attended
  • Two professional letters of recommendation
  • Resume
  • GPA Requirement
    • Option 1: Appliants who have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.75 from a regionally accredited university may be considered for admission to College of Education graduate programs.
    • Option 2: Applicant who have completed an undergraduate degree with an overall GPA between 2.5 and 2.74 from a regionally accredited university and hold 3 successful years of teaching experience, as documented by letter from the current employer, may be considered for admission to a College of Education graduate program.


Upon meeting all course and examination requirements of this program, an S-5 certificate in Instructional Technology may be issued by the Professional Standards Commission of Georgia.  Georgia College & State University recommendation is required.  GACE testing and certification began Fall 2013.

Certification Requirements


Instructional Technology Certification

Natalie Toomey

Dr. Natalie Toomey

Program Coordinator
101A Kilpatrick Hall

EdD, Duquesne University; MA, Simpson University; BA, Hiram College


Learner-Computer Interactions, Multimedia Resource Use and Learning Outcomes, Motivation in Knowledge Sharing

Professional Service

Curriculum Committee (COE), Excellence in Service Committee (PLI), Visiting Scholar Review Committee

Shanda Brand headshot

Ms. Shanda Brand

Interim Director of Graduate Admissions & Enrollment Management
108E Parks Hall